First Touch Down with Docker for Mac Sun, Mar 27, 2016 A few days ago, Docker has announced a closed BETA program for their new applications “Docker for Mac” and “Docker for Windows”. These apps are meant to simplify the usage of Docker containers for every developer even more.
Unable To Start Docker For Mac
They try to lower the barrier to install and use Docker on your desktop and laptop computers for both Mac and Windows users. As soon as I received the first rumors that there is a special feature built-in, which should also simplify the developers workflow for IoT applications, I was getting totally thrilled and registered immediately for the BETA program. It was really hard to wait for, but luckily I’ve received an email with my BETA invitation and access token within a few hours only. Here I’d like to give you a first insight view how to install and use “Docker for Mac” with a basic walk-through on my MacBook Pro running the very latest OS X 10.11.4.
So, please join me on this journey Access to the BETA program You can easily register to the Docker BETA program at. Once you’re logged in with your Docker ID (which is literally your Docker Hub user account) you can apply for testing “Docker for Mac” and “Docker for Windows”. As this is a closed BETA, you’ll get on a waiting list and hopefully will be selected soon. So, please be patient until you’ll receive an invitation email with some more detailed instructions and a personal access key.
For this blog post, I’ll show you how easy it is to install and use Docker on OS X. And I guess, we’ll write another post later for all the curious Windows users, too. Download and install “Docker for Mac” When you’re selected for the BETA, you’ll receive an email titled “Docker Private Beta” with a link to the download page and an access key.
Download the installer package called “Docker.dmg” to your Mac and double click it, drag and drop the “Docker beta” app to your Applications folder. Now, from your Lauchpad you can start the “Docker beta” app directly the first time and you can begin right away using Docker on your Mac.
Once you start the BETA Docker app the first time you’ll be asked to enter your personal invite token. Token has been accepted.
The Docker app needs to additionally install a network helper and requests for privileges to do so. Enter your credentials to grant privileged access. Success, the Docker app is installed and you can easily find and access it by clicking on the little neat whale icon. Using “Docker for Mac” the first time To use Docker we’ll just start a terminal window and use the Docker CLI to access the local Docker Engine.
First, get the version of the Docker command: Determine the versions of the Docker Client and the Docker Engine: Display some more detailed informations about the installed Docker software: Let’s start a real Docker container First, we’ll check how our host operating system looks like: uname -a Darwin demo.local 15.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.4.0: Fri Feb 26 22:08:05 PST 2016; root:xnu-3248.40.1843/RELEASEX8664 x8664 As already expected we see our host OS is OS X or Darwin with a kernel version 15.4.0. Our CPU architecture is x8664, which indicates that we’re running on an Intel-based 64-bit CPU. Second, let’s start a basic Linux container and here we’re using a Debian standard distro for now. This will take a few second because the Docker Engine has to fetch/download the Docker image debian from the Docker Hub.
Expected behavior Server will start. Actual behavior Server does not start.